Are hero bans coming to Overwatch? One source says yes, and they could be as soon as next week.
Monday afternoon MetroOW posted this on twitter.
He is the same source that dropped leaks about Overwatch 2 at Blizzcon and although he says his source is different, it could at least be this if not something just as important. If you remember last week Eemongg (a popular Overwatch streamer) tweeted that a “big update†is coming soon.
Hero bans are to state it as basic as possible. You wouldn’t be able to pick X hero for one day in comp. There is a lot more to it than that but to state it simply for those that don’t know what it is. I will make a longer explanation article to explain hero bans if Overwatch changes to this method.
I am not sure if this would go directly to live servers as they would probs put it in the PTR and then drop it live after season 20 is over but that’s just my guess based on how they typically have done these kind of changes.
We shall see… What do you think about hero bans in Overwatch?