According to highscoreheroes on twitter. Twitch drops have revealed a new Overwatch weekly challenge coming to Overwatch possibly this week (tomorrow). The drops show “Mardi Gras” themed sprays and notes “Overwatch Ashe Mardi Gras – bundle”.
Tuesday the 25 is “Fat Tuesday” and the day Overwatch drops new content (typically). And Wednesday the 26 is Mardi Gras so this is all looking like good possibilities. Hopefully we get a new Ashe story as well.
Stay tuned to gamewatchtoday for all the latest Overwatch News.
Today Blizzard dropped the latest Buffs and Nerfs on the PTR. And it seems as though McCree gets the latest DPS testing patch with more health and a crazy buff to his Ultimate ability Dead EYE.
A new Overwatch patch is in development and now available for
testing! To share your feedback or report any issues, please post in the
PTR Feedback or PTR Bug Report forums.
Please note that the below patch notes only include changes currently
available for testing on the PTR. While many of these changes may also
be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in a future patch, the PTR is
PC-only and only reflects changes coming specifically to that platform. HERO UPDATES
Hanzo Storm Arrows
Damage reduced from 70 to 60
McCree General
Base health increased from 200 to 250
Peacekeeper (Primary Fire)
Recovery time increased from 0.42 to 0.5 seconds
Firing Deadeye no longer locks the player’s aim
Reaper The Reaping (Passive)
Healing amount reduced from 40% to 30% of damage dealt
Orisa Fusion Driver (Primary Fire)
Damage reduced from 11 to 9
Cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds
Snare duration reduced from 1 to 0.65 seconds
Sigma Hyperspheres (Primary Fire)
Range reduced from 22 to 20 meters
Gravitic Flux
Can now be interrupted before targets begin falling
Impact slow duration reduced from 0.9 to 0.6 seconds
Yesterday we got the news that the Overwatch dev team is working on something big. That “something†could be hero bans. And today the internet has spoken.
Basically hero bans in a game like Overwatch could be presented a few different ways (for those of you that have never played games with them before). The idea is that when you play a game certain heroes durrIng that particular game or series of games you play that day are banned or locked out of play and you will not be allowed to play those heroes. It could be just for that game or a day or a whole season it depends on how it’s implemented. Most people refer to the League of Legends way of Champion selection and ban where it only lasts that match and you vote what hero gets banned that game however you get to see who everyone is picking beforehand (it’s a little more involved but that’s the easy explanation).
The people have spoken, some for it and some against and some are just confused.
I've been reading a lot of interesting takes on hero bans in Overwatch. Good arguments to be made for both camps. My thoughts? I personally think that the game would need a good bunch more heroes to reap the benefits and strategic depth such a system brings with it.
Depending on how you can ban/protect heroes we could see a brand new overwatch. Looks like the Devs are trying to get very aggressive with the foundation of the game pre OW2!! 💪👍🏻
Bans should not be a thing if you can see the enemy players before picking. I really hope that's obvious to the devs, unless they know something we don't in regards to that I guess.
Are hero bans coming to Overwatch? One source says yes, and they could be as soon as next week.
Monday afternoon MetroOW posted this on twitter.
Big update for OW is rumored in a few weeks, it is very likely that hero bans will be added to the game as the dev team has been working on them for a while!
He is the same source that dropped leaks about Overwatch 2 at Blizzcon and although he says his source is different, it could at least be this if not something just as important. If you remember last week Eemongg (a popular Overwatch streamer) tweeted that a “big update†is coming soon.
Hero bans are to state it as basic as possible. You wouldn’t be able to pick X hero for one day in comp. There is a lot more to it than that but to state it simply for those that don’t know what it is. I will make a longer explanation article to explain hero bans if Overwatch changes to this method.
I am not sure if this would go directly to live servers as they would probs put it in the PTR and then drop it live after season 20 is over but that’s just my guess based on how they typically have done these kind of changes.
We shall see… What do you think about hero bans in Overwatch?