A video compilation of movies and television explaining Overwatch over the years.
Theses are just a few I had posted to youtube over the years. Do you have a favorite video where someone explained Overwatch with another video post it in the comments below.
Since release, Overwatch heroes have received 351 buffs and 199 nerfs.
I went through every single Overwatch patch note since launch and documented every change made to a hero, categorising it as either a buff or a nerf. Each bullet point change listed was copied into a spreadsheet under a heading of Buff or Nerf.
For example, this recent change to Orisa:
Base armor increased from 200 to 250
Protective Barrier health reduced from 900 to 600
Fortify cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
This would be counted as 2 buffs and 1 nerf by my metric.
I used my judgement to exclude minor visual changes and changes which did not apply to competitive Overwatch (e.g. Lucio Capture the Flag nerfs). Bug fixes were excluded, only deliberate rebalancing under the “Hero Updates” section was considered.
Using this method I found that in total there have been 351 buffs given to heroes, and 199 nerfs.
Issues and Caveats
Obviously, this is a deeply imperfect measure of considering a history of buffs/nerfs to the game. Due to both their subjective nature, and the way a single change can have a large ripple through the rest of the hero pool, it is very difficult to weight the effect of a change to more fully understand the way Blizzard changes their game. My metric fails to account, for example, 1 large nerf being applied alongside 2 or 3 small buffs to compensate which might overall leave a hero weaker.
The patch notes provided by Blizzard were also not intended to be used this way, and their formatting and specificity has varied somewhat over the years.
Personal conclusions
Despite the flaws of this data collection, I think it does add weight to the current perception of power creep. I began this project because I was not personally convinced about the extent to which heroes have been powered up, but I have changed my opinion.
When I scroll through my data I see a great deal of damage increase, healing increase, added utility and cooldown reduction which contribute to a sense of frenzy found in the game which was not present at launch. Due to this increased healing, damage and utility (power) the game has now become more about overwhelming a target as quickly as possible, leaving a player less time to make decisions or counterplay.
I am not a statistician, nor a particularly talented player and I don’t seek to position myself as an authority, merely share something i found interesting.
This was taken from https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/emxmap/since_release_overwatch_heroes_have_received_351/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
Larry Opal, age 36, Orlando, Florida, was arrested Tuesday after he ran into his ex-wife’s place of employment dressed as a character named D.Va, from the popular video game Overwatch and tossed a trash bag full of animal droppings at the receptionist area where she was sitting.
“He ran in through the front doors past security and screamed, ‘Nerf This!’ threw the trash bag at me and ran out,†Emily “the ex-wife†said.
Luckily for the office the trash bag didn’t break open until one of the office workers was taking it outside. “It was everywhere,†said Jim Adams, “and then I threw up.â€Â
Larry escaped past security but was later apprehended at his friends house 5 miles from the office complex and charged with several counts of misdemeanor.
XWheelchairgamer on instagram has hopped onboard the help Australia through Overwatch by creating a firefighter Junkrat skin that could be potentially sold by Blizzard with the donations going to directly support Australia as it is suffering major casualties from wild fires spreading across the country.
The movement to ask Blizzard to create a paid skin started trending on Reddit and was soon caught on by the community even many of the popular creators asking Activision / Blizzard to make this happen.
Australia is on fire and thousands of animals have died, millions of acres of land are now charred and still burning. For most of us it is winter time but for them it is summer time now and there is little rain and the temperature continues to climb.
Let’s continue to ask Blizzard to help Australia by signing a petition to sell a skin to help those Australians in need. Please click the link and sign it.
As of today two of the Overwatch League teams have changed their entire team color scheme. Yesterday the Florida Mayhem changed from McDonald’s color scheme of yellow and red to Miami Vice Colors of Pink, Black and white. Today the LA Valiant changed from green and gold to light blue and yellow (like the Chargers football team).
But in an undocumented and completely unreliable source tells Game Watch Today that the teams have changed colors because Jeff Kaplan is using the Overwatch League teams to launder dirty money he makes by selling illegal copies of “Lost Vikings” and also unused Overwatch source code to arms dealers telling them they are “missile arming codes”. The color change is the equivalent of changing your hair color and growing a beard to the FBI, on the outside you see them doing something to distract from what’s really happening behind the scenes.
Expect more (if not all of the) teams to change colors before the league starts back up in 2020.