Here’s all the official caps for Overwatch Winter Wonderland 2019. GLHF.

Here’s all the official caps for Overwatch Winter Wonderland 2019. GLHF.
A few weeks ago OverwatchPD on twitter reported on a new aim hack called magic bullet.
When used properly it may be hard to tell if they are using this hack. However we now know that if used randomly it can kill through walls and possibly from the other side of the map.
It is unsure if it only works with Hanzo since he can produce a one shot kill. We will continue to investigate this and update this as a thread as more information becomes available.
Bilzzard should be able to shut this down quickly but until that happens, stay safe out there heroes.
email: bigfisch@gamewatchtoday.com
The other day the strangest thing happened. Tracer from the popular video game Overwatch, appeared out of nowhere. Not wearing her chrono-accelerator I assumed it was not to chat but we did anyway.
Bigfisch: So how does it feel to be a part of one of the largest video games in the world?
Lena “Tracer†Oxten: Wait I’m in a video game?
BF: Oh, sorry in this timeline you are a character in a video game.
*I showed her some clips of the game.
Tracer: Well isn’t that something. I can assure you that we do not fight together with Talon.
BF: So the rumors that you and Widowmaker are an item is false then.
Tracer: I mean that was a long time… Wait how do you know about that?
BF: We know a lot about everyone but in this timeline but no one thinks it’s real. I mean your with Emily anyway so that’s cool.
Tracer: …
BF: Nevermind that… What phase of Overwatch are you in right now. We just found out about Zero Hour.
Tracer: Well, we are a little further ahead in time from then…
She went on to tell me about some of the battles with Talon and the new Omnic threat and then she vanished.
Hey remember that time before Orisa and Doomfist were released and we all thought Terry Crews was going to be the voice actor for Doomfist… Good times.
Major Media sites covered it lol.
he even went to visit Blizzard
And then Orisa was released immediately followed by DOOMFIST that was not Terry Crews.
And the internet was sad. But it was a lot of fun thinking that he would have been.
Click the link below to sign the petition on change.org
So I was watching the Junkrat and Roadhog short “Junkertown: The Plan” again the other day and thought to myself, self, “I would watch this if it was an actual show,” as I think every time I re-watch the video. So I thought we should start a petition to let Activision/Blizzard know that it’s not just me but everyone agrees this should be a thing. It could be a limited series or multi season show and it could be about just them stealing stuff or hanging out in Australia or how they cross paths with several of the other heroes of Overwatch that we know currently. Let’s be honest there are a lot of good characters in Overwatch but these two have the most personality between them and could really get into some hilarious hi-jinks. They currently have their own lego set so it could be a lego series as well. XD
Anyway that’s my totally non-committal pitch for the show. I mean come on it would be awseome.
“Everythings coming up explodey!” Junkrat.
~Big Fisch