So I didn’t really learn anything from my 72 hour live stream because it was the Overwatch logo from the login screen for about 70 hours of it. I was trying to test my laptop and my internet connection for streaming and learned that both are garbage, lol. I guess secondary take away is that not everyone wants to see nonsense from a live stream *shrug* although I thought it was funny most people didn’t stay for more than a few seconds to leave a comment like “when are you going to play” or “hello”.
If you are looking for live streaming tips tho, here’s some things I have actually learned from other “professional” streamers I have talked to.
- Get a face cam
- Get your voice on stream
- Interact with people watching your stream
- Get your friends to watch your stream (when you start out)
- Stream like you are putting on a show (even if no one is there)
- Choose a stream format (video games, asmr, just chatting, IRL, or something else)
- Choose your stream type (are you a variety streamer or do you always do the same thing)
- Be entertaining (even if it means making up a streaming persona)
- Get yourself out there (interact and find other streamers your size and slightly bigger this will get you friends and start your community building (networking))
- Get on social media (a lot of streamers post to twitter but branch out to as many sites as possible to get your stream out there).
- *bonus* wherever you stream from start a YouTube channel to post (well edited) clips from your stream.
Got more tips to add, comment below.
Will I do another nonsense stream again… Yes. I have another one planned for this week I am going to try using an external camera.