I went through and screen captured frame by frame to break down the D.Va short “Shooting Star” so you wouldn’t have too. Give it a read through if you choose. Let me know in the comments below what your favorite moment was or if I missed something.
Opening Scene, We see Nano Cola D.Va on a building. Possible MEKA HQ.We see D.Va on another building. I believe the pink round holo is a pachimari? In the distance we see the MEKA outpost, giving an idea of how far they are from land.D.Va winning her WORLD CHAMPION gamer status (pre-MEKA days)According to Michael Chu, Dae-Hyun is a mechanic, specifically assigned to D.​Va. Also D.Va endorsed RAMAN. XDD.Va’s MEKA squadron takes on the giant sea omnic Ghost. No, none of the MEKA’s have tentacles.The BUSAN MEKA Squadron (Casino, D.Mon, D.Va, King, Overlord) From Michael Chu each pilot got their nickname from a popular anime D.Va: Tokki! Casino: La Princesse Sereine D.mon: Beast King: 신기전 (Singijeon) Overlord: Mastermind -Also notice D.Mon has horns on her headset like D.Va has bunny ears. Michael Chu confirmed that D.Mon was on the same esports team as D.Va before joining MEKA Corp.We see D.Mon helping Overlord out of his wrecked Meka. From Michael Chu: Their commanding officer is Captain Myung (you can hear her voice over the comms on the MEKA Base point of the Busan map).Love D.VaPress conference teamNano ColaSnacksThe Chips are shaped like space invadersLucio Track Playing in background. Also Jazz HandsD.Va at workSee the Top of the MEKA where the power core is open.Super Hero Pose!The control console for the MEKA on the right Flashback, Original scene from first animatic redone with updated features.What was it she saw?BUSAN city skyline at night. Look to the left of center on the riverfront, a blue and red lights… THAT’S LUCIOBALL STADIUM!Enters MEKA same as in game with the ejector handles.The heads up display and the command computer behind it.A new threat.D.Va ready for actionTime to show my skills. However this shows a more heroic D.Va standing up to save her city and the people in it.DramaLaunching pad is like a solid light projection, could be VISKAR tech?Check out the finger movementDefense Matrix ActivatedCool Girls watch explosions.For a better entranceShe shootin!Splitting up.That’s a tactical manuverheads up display clearheads up display tracking bad guysScary boysEvadedD.Va is hitthat first person anglechase is oncriticalis that an iPhone app2 more downFinger impressions gonna leave smudges on that glass.One left!That a lot of rocketsNot on D.Va’s watch!face offarm brokeassessing the situationA new plancore displaymeka statushelping?MEKA control boardAdjustmentsCore overloadingoofBunny Blaster (Light Gun) position in MEKAeat hot blasterMEKA coreCore becoming unstablereloading, also wrist bandsEjection button up top.pressurized ejectorSuper Hero pose again!Ejecting with styleAimGottemFalling with styleHelicopters still exist in the future?ExplosionKorean words…D.Va saves the cityTime off?All work!Not even phased.MEKA parts everywhere.She got that tank top on.Cutest animated eye roll everHey when’s the next D.Va short?Seriously.That’s it… oh darn.NANO COLA SKIN!!!!
Hope you enjoyed my D.Va animated short breakdown. Leave a comment if you want to see more, what you fav screenshot is or if I missed a detail.
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