Overwatch is basically Pixar

Overwatch is basically a mixed up Pixar movie

So when Overwatch began development Jeff said “team we have to make a game but you know what I really love Pixar movies and who doesn’t (am I right)… So lets make all of our characters for our new game based on Pixar characters because no one will notice right?”

Here’s my list of Overwatch characters that are actually Pixar characters, I won’t explain my choices because this video would be six hours so just use your imagination.

Andy = Soldier 76

Andy’s Mom = Mercy

Sid = Reaper

Lightning McQueen = McCree

Buzz Lightyear = Pharah

Sully = Winston

Dug = Wrecking Ball

Mr. Pricklepants = Sigma

The Manticore = Zarya

Captain B. McCrea (Wall-E) = Roadhog

Joy = D.Va

Sid’s Baby head monster = Orisa

Mr. Incredible = Reinhardt

Edna Mode = Ana

Combat Carl = Baptiste

Joy = Brigitte

DJ Blu-Jay = Lucio

Merida = Moira

Forky = Zenyatta

Jessie = Ashe

Wall-E = Bastion

Emperor Zurg = Doomfist

Ev-E = Echo

Sushi Chef = Genji

Anger = Hanzo

Bomb Voyage = Junkrat

Sadness = Mei

Grandma from Coco = Sombra 

Disgust = Symmetra

Mr. Potato Head = Torbjorn

Dash = Tracer

Colette Tatou = Widowmaker

That’s it that’s my list of Overwatch heroes as Pixar characters. Which ones would you change or did I get them all correct?

This is big fisch for game watch today.

Snoop-a-loop and good high noon to you all.