Overwatch is basiclly Avengers: Age of Ultron

The Story of Overwatch is basically Avengers: Age of Ultron

This is Game Watch Today and I’m big fisch.

Hold onto something. I am about to break this down for you that the Story of Overwatch is basically Avengers: Age of Ultron. 

You have a person building autonomous robots for defense purposes and oops the master program has become sentient, causing the other robots to want to destroy humans because humans are the problem. Some robots gain free will and become good. Meanwhile the task force that essentially started the robot uprising is now forced to put it down. After the war is over everything is changed as well as the team that was forced to fight the robots is now fractured, leading to more movies and games and even more money.

Sounds familiar, yeah I thought so. 

That’s it. What do you think, did I get it right or miss it by a mile?

Thanks for watching I’m bigfisch for Game Watch Today.

Snoop-a-loop and good high noon to you all.

Overwatch is basically Pixar

Overwatch is basically a mixed up Pixar movie

So when Overwatch began development Jeff said “team we have to make a game but you know what I really love Pixar movies and who doesn’t (am I right)… So lets make all of our characters for our new game based on Pixar characters because no one will notice right?”

Here’s my list of Overwatch characters that are actually Pixar characters, I won’t explain my choices because this video would be six hours so just use your imagination.

Andy = Soldier 76

Andy’s Mom = Mercy

Sid = Reaper

Lightning McQueen = McCree

Buzz Lightyear = Pharah

Sully = Winston

Dug = Wrecking Ball

Mr. Pricklepants = Sigma

The Manticore = Zarya

Captain B. McCrea (Wall-E) = Roadhog

Joy = D.Va

Sid’s Baby head monster = Orisa

Mr. Incredible = Reinhardt

Edna Mode = Ana

Combat Carl = Baptiste

Joy = Brigitte

DJ Blu-Jay = Lucio

Merida = Moira

Forky = Zenyatta

Jessie = Ashe

Wall-E = Bastion

Emperor Zurg = Doomfist

Ev-E = Echo

Sushi Chef = Genji

Anger = Hanzo

Bomb Voyage = Junkrat

Sadness = Mei

Grandma from Coco = Sombra 

Disgust = Symmetra

Mr. Potato Head = Torbjorn

Dash = Tracer

Colette Tatou = Widowmaker

That’s it that’s my list of Overwatch heroes as Pixar characters. Which ones would you change or did I get them all correct?

This is big fisch for game watch today.

Snoop-a-loop and good high noon to you all.

Valorant Reviewed by a biased Overwatch NUT

Today I would like to explain what Valorant is from an Overwatch players perspective.

Thanks for watching Game Watch Today I’m Big Fisch.

Before I get into the comparison, let me say that Valorant is a good game if you like the Counter Strike or Rainbow Six Siege Type Genre of games. It’s not a bad game, honest Yawn…

Now let’s compare Valorant to Overwatch from a biased Overwatch players perspective. 

First: Valorant is boring AF. 
The games take for-ev-er. So think of a Capture Point Match in Overwatch, except one team has to defend the point and they can put the point wherever the f they want on the map. And then compound that with doing that same thing over for 4 times and then switching sides from attack to defence and do it 4 more times, I was in one game that lasted 2 hours. TF has this kind of time…

Second: Die Die Die
You die during a round you are dead. No respawn you sit and wait listening to the one guy scream about going to point “A”. SO BORING.

Third: Voice Chat
You thought Overwatch was bad with angry people yelling at one another. Every game I played there’s at least one jackwagon screaming at everyone in chat. Like legit losing his mind even when we were winning.

Four: Buy in Phase
Before each round you have what’s called a “buy in phase” which means you choose your weapons and abilities you get for that round. This is to me is dumb just give me the stuff to play the game, if I wanted to make choices I would go play final fantasy! So that means your abilities that you would normally use as many times as it can recharge during an Overwatch match well now you only get to use  that ability like twice if you have enough money to buy two uses..

Five: MF campers.
If you never experienced a game with campers in them, a camper is a jackass that stays in one spot the entire game murdering everyone. It’s annoying and dumb. Overwatch actually does a pretty good job of having a lot of movement to remove camping (believe it or not).

Six: This game is so boring
Sorry did I already mention that, well it is boring and slow paced and also boring.

Seven: Characters with no class
They say the characters are class based like healer damage etc but they are not pretty much each character is the same as the other except for a few abilities that change but that’s it. Everyone picks from the same weapon buy in and it’s boring as heck.

Eight: Weapon Skins only
The only “cosmetic” changes you can make to your character is to equip different weapon skins. Wow soooo innovative.

That’s it my Overwatch players perspective on Valorant there’s some more I can discuss but now I’m bored talking about it so onto the next video.

Thanks for watching I’m big fisch for Overwatch biased Game Watch Today

Snoop a loop and good high noon to you all.

Interview with Overwatch Streamer HOLIWHIRL


I recently sent questions to Holiwhirl and asked what it’s like to be an Overwatch twitch streamer.

Holiwhirl LINKS
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/holiwhirl
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/holiwhirl
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/holiwhirl/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcbFLnzarDgdePSdmiviIhA

GWT: What is the reason you started playing Overwatch?

Holiwhirl: I used to be a big fan of playing the Call of Duty series on console. When I was about 16 I got my first PC and got massively into Dota 2 and played that for around 4 years.I’ve always enjoyed PvP competitive nature. When I saw that Blizzard was releasing Overwatch and saw the gameplay trailers, I quickly realised this could be the perfect game for me as it combines a lot of what I love from the FPS and MOBA genres.During the beta weekend before release I fell in love with the game and played it non-stop to this day!

GWT: What is the reason you continue to play Overwatch?

Holiwhirl: After playing Overwatch almost every day since release, I’ve found a passion for the game and climbing the competitive ladder. As an ex DPS player, there is always something else to learn and when I’m unhappy with what I’m currently doing, I can move onto the next thing! This has lead me to being a top 500 Support player today!

GWT: Do you have any advise for other women that are up and coming streamers?

Holiwhirl: Try to focus on the positives. There can be a lot of hate thrown to anyone who puts themselves out there in the online space. Sometimes you can be attacked just for being a woman but always be sure to focus on the people who love your content and respect you because those are the people you are doing this for – not the random trolls. 

Thank you Holiwhirl for the interview.



Today let’s talk about what maps could be included in Overwatch 2

So let’s get right into it. We already got 2 full playable new maps / game modes at Blizzcon 2019 for Overwatch 2 in the push map of Toronto and story map in Brazil. In some of the developer talks they discussed how the new Overwatch engine is upgraded and they will be able to do exciting new things to the maps, like new effects and larger more complex maps (like we see in Toronto preview).

They haven’t said the door is closed on making maps for Overwatch 1 but let’s assume that it is so the dev team can focus on releasing any new maps for Overwatch 2.

We already know that we will get Toronto as a new map and game mode and Brazil (Lucio’s home) as a new story mission map.

We also know that they will have to release more than just one map for a new game mode so we are already looking at the release of multiple new maps dropped at release. Which is pretty exciting!

The introduction of story missions gives us a whole new world of lore that could be infused into Overwatch just by adding things like Lucio’s recording studio and night club. And also new locations like inside of giant omnic airships!

What other maps could we see? If we pull out the very early concept maps that were released to us we see a few that have been released. But a few that could still be used.

One map that everyone has been asking for is the underwater map of Galapagos. 

The Amazon is a map that could still be in the works and could have a really cool tie into Temple of Anubis.

The IRIS (was combined with India) but could still be a really cool story mission map for Zenyatta.

Although we have a lot of maps based in the US San Joaquin could be an awesome McCree or Ashe related map.

And the Bayou would definitely be an Ashe related map and tie into the Mardi Gras themed skin we got this year.

Think for a minute the possibilities, we could go into outer space in an interdimensional space ship or even to other planets (I mean we went to the moon) or an ice cavern at the north pole or the bermuda triangle.

But there are a lot more locations in some of the comics and shorts and early artwork that could easily turn into maps. Did I miss any of the important ones on your list.
